Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Thesis Synopsis and Title

compare with

Andyland: Network as Metaphor
This thesis paper provides a theoretical backdrop for a related art project, Andyland. It also provides original academic research on interdisciplinary media theory as it relates to network art or net art. The paper contends that critical theory, especially interdisciplinary media theory applied to media arts (generally) and network art specifically yields innovative thoughtful work relevant to today's contemporary art world. In an era when public access to new forms of media is accelerated, media ecology (and economy) takes on new functions and forms. Just as the Internet and computer mediated communication (CMC) have informed the public sphere in attitudes for netizens (referencing, for example, emergent social codes such as netiquette) relevant formulations of media arts aesthetics will comprise critical stances on many forms of new media. Such media exist in a range of public accessibility from ubiquitous to experimental, adding a dimension of complexity to this task. The most interesting, tested, challenged and lasting formulations of aesthetics on the contemporary scene will have characteristics of insight into media theory. Art that comments upon semiotics, physical communications, and media art history will have both resonance in art criticism as well as popular advantage in the marketplace of ideas.

In order to reach its goal, the thesis deals with the following questions: What is net art? What are virtual worlds and how do they integrate into media arts? How can the application of media theory and media archaeology affect formulations of media arts aesthetics?

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